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Call for Application Students Project in VR/AR : ICxRP
Date de création: 22 Fev 2022 / 1257 Vue(s)

Call for Application Students Project in VR/AR : ICxRP

The use of VR / AR technology as a training and qualification instrument is fairly new for many sectors and especially for people with lower qualifications or without suitable IT skills.
IC xR-P (2020-2023) is an international cooperation project and focuses on the implementation of xR training applications in the areas of medical training, rescue and knowledge transfer in schools and universities.

Project participation
International and intercultural interested students from the partner universities.

Project application
ISIMS students who can apply for participation in the realization of VR/AV projects in this international cooperation are  
Master degree DEDI : 1st year, 2021-2022 (we need 6 students)
The participation in this international cooperation allows to validate also the module “internship memory” after evaluation (credit 10, coefficient 5).